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Marcella Davis

Certified Consultant

My Story

Hi! My name is Marcella. I am a Californian mom of two boys, originally from Olympia, Washington (Go Seattle Seahawks). I was first introduced to Scentsy by a buddy of mine from highschool. The first wax bar I had ever smelled was the Raspberry Hibiscus Tea Scentsy bar. I was immediately hooked. I love Scentsy because of the comfort it brings. People look at me crazy when I tell them this but have you ever smelled, seen, felt something that reminded you of a memory? That is what it is like for me. Like how the Mint Fields scentsy bar reminds me of the mint plants my mother had planted in her garden for years or like how the Newborn Nursery scentsy bar reminds me of when my boys were first born. I find comfort in these memories. That is not even the best part about joining Scentsy! I have met some incredible people, either through my lovely customers or my amazing team members! People from all over, we've come together and become such wonderful friends! Scentsy has been a blessing to my family. Not only can you work from home, in your car, on the go, your hours are flexible! This has led me to be more present with my family and for that I am thankful. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of this. It helped me become more social, grow out of my introverted shell and take me out of my comfort zones. It is something I really enjoy doing. How many people can truly say they love their job and actually have fun doing it? I know I can.

What's warming in my home